I hope everyone had a good thanksgiving! With the holidays officially in full swing, it can be hard to find the time to write and record a song, let alone a song that fits the stupid stipulations I throw at you every month! So we will follow in the tradition of December's past and say that you can...
That's right. Do whatever you want! There is no criteria at ALL for your song. If you send it to me, I will post it and it will go into the voting poll! It could be a 43 minute spoken word piece or a 30 second thrash metal song, I do not care!
Thank you to everyone who took the time to check out the songs from October! I can see that both songs were well enjoyed since they ended up having almost FOUR TIMES as many views as the September songs! Whew! Awesome!
When the voting was all said and done, the song I wrote along with Joel Forsgren ended up being voted favorite! Thank you so much to everyone! The song felt like it wrote itself and when it was all done, I was thrilled with the result. If you hadnt had a chance to listen to it yet, check it out here:
Almost four years ago when the Song Writing Game started, the very first genre was none other than Jug Band music! Since then we had done bluegrass and country a few times, but had never touched back on Jug Band, which started it all. Until now! I am not sure what put me in the mood for Jug Band, but it jumped into my mind and I am glad that it did. There were only two songs, but they are both cool. Check them out!
Brian Salapek and Joel Forsgren - Jug Band Muzik
My comments: After taking September off, I had a really hard time getting into the mode to write a song. When I finally did, I had a completely different lead melody picked out, but scrapped it when I improvised the lead you hear in the song now. With that, it lost a lot of it's jug band feel, but I like the song so much more now. I had Joel over who recorded the electric guitar track as well as the banjo intro. All in all, I have to say that this song is one of my favorites. I am really happy and proud of it!
Rene Zansman - Yatzy Pursuit
My comments: Rene went the same route as me, giving his song the jug band feel through a harmonica track. The song itself has Rene's trademark catchy pop punk vibe with an awesome chorus in it, which I really enjoy! And to boot, he kept with the gambling theme by singing about my new favorite fictional game, Yatzy Pursuit. Great job, Rene!