I had asked for suggestions of what kind of song to do next. There were a lot of genres thrown out that I would really enjoy, but I doubt I could get many people into writing a Gansta Rap (sorry, Eric). But in those ideas, I found one that I think will be a lot of fun.
Genre: Sea Shanty!
Subject(s): The Sea, or Drinking!
Traditionally, Sea Shanties are maritime work songs, sung with no musical accompaniment. It would be cool to have some a capella songs, but I am definitely not going to go in that direction. I think this genre really strives in simplicity, and an acoustic guitar is enough to make a great sounding song. A few other instruments to consider, a fiddle, mandolin or accordion. With the instruments, it is really more of a "Sea Song" but that doesn't sound as cool. WE'RE CALLING THEN SHANTIES! The lyrics are what really shines here. You could think of your song as a story, or a simple "call and response" song full of nonsense. Just make sure it has to do with drinking or the sea, or drinking the sea or whatever.
This picture is definitely a Pirate Jug Band, but you get the idea.
Here are a few resources for the style of music and some traditional examples.
With the subjects being as broad as "the sea" or "drinking" it leaves a lot of room for creativity. I definitely expect at least one person to write a song about being swallowed by a whale, though.