Genre: Electro-Pop
(Optional) Subject: "Your Mom"
Jack asked for Electro-Pop to be the style because it is one that he can compose completely on his phone while on break at work. Kayce asked for "Your Mom" because he's Kayce and "Your Mom" jokes never get old to Kayce.
Okay, so let's specify some things here:
What is Electo-Pop? It's basically what it sounds like, Electronic Pop Music. Traditionally a synthesizer is the predominant instrument. Call it Synth Pop, Electro Pop, Techno Pop, whatever, it's all the same. A lot of 80's music falls into this category but it isn't limited to that. There are many modern bands that are considered electo-pop as well. Think along the lines of The Postal Service or The Killers.
What do you mean "Your Mom"? If you're not aware of "Your Mom" jokes then click here.
Simple enough! Also, send in your songs for December, there is a little less than a week left!