Friday, November 29, 2013

December's Song Announcement!

I am posting this a little late and am sorry for that.  Either way, I realize December is a busy month for everyone and that is why we will be having no guidelines for this month.  That should make it easier on us to get a song done.  Last year we had the same  "do whatever you want" theme and it worked out really well.

So, just to recap, for December,

Have fun and tune in later this weekend to hear November's Turkey Klezmer songs!

Monday, November 18, 2013

October's winning TV Show Theme Song!

Congratulations to Danny Imig for being voted favorite TV Show Theme Song from October's song writing game!  I thought that the song really captured the style well.  The background music was really cheesy and awesome.  There was almost an island feel to it with the steel drums and then WHAM! insert huge guitar solo.

Great job Danny!  Keep up the good work!

Don't forget about the songs for November.  Remember, we are doing Klezmer songs about turkeys.  Weird enough for you?

Sunday, November 3, 2013

October's TV Theme Show Songs!

You may remember that these songs were supposed to be for September.  As it turned out, I was far too busy all month and ended up pushing them to October.  Anyways, the idea here was to create a sort of theme song or jingle for a fictional TV show.  This is a really open ended concept and didn't offer a whole lot of direction, oh well.  I had a specific idea for my song when I came up with the notion.  Every song is significantly different as you will hear.  Have a listen and vote for your favorite below!

Danny Imig - Floyd "Rosy Fingers" Hamer: Private I
My comments: This theme song has so much that I love going for it.  First, it's got an amazing cheesy 80's feel to it, with ridiculous drum rolls.  And then it is also completely and wonderfully over the top.  All of this makes for a good theme song for a show with the title "Floyd 'Rosy Fingers' Hamer: Private I".  Good job, Danny!

Brian Salapek - Code Name: Riptide

My comments: I wanted to make my song sound like a song from a cheesy action show from the 70's.  Messing around on the guitar quickly made me decide it should have a surf feel to it.  After writing it, the hardest part was coming up with a title for the show.  I just wish I had some horns to have thrown in to the recording.

Oiwind Wulvig - Biker Charlie
My comments:  This is the first entry from Oiwind and it is for his TV Show "Biker Charlie."  Charlie is a cat who likes to ride his Harley and has friends who like to party.  Pretty awesome concept that reminds me of Toonces The Driving Cat from SNL.  The music for this song is really great although it doesn't have a theme show feel to it.

Rene Zansman - The MopTop Family
My comments:  Rene not only wrote this song for the fictional "MopTop Family" TV Show but also has come up with summaries for 5 episodes of the show.  That's dedication lol!  The song definitely has the cheesy theme song vibe to it, which I love.  It's also pretty sloppy and silly but that's to be expected.  I think it's a good concept here and could be great with more work.